Importance of Creative Writing and Its Effects on Students in Modern Era

Creative Writing is a form of art that involves writing which uses wide imagination and creativity, It is a prerequisite and specialized subject that students of Humanities and Social Sciences were partaking in, this subject was authorized way back in the 1880s. In the modern era, Creative writing helps anyone to be able to think widely and beyond reality. Also, It encourages people to explore literature, expand their vocabulary and think critically. This essay discusses the importance of creative writing in the current era. Further, It addresses the positive effects of creative writing on learners.

The importance of creative writing in everyday life is how It helps anyone to express their emotions and thoughts through writing and was used to cope with a stressful day. In fact, Muzzillo (2022) stated that writing is among the most successful methods for coping with anxiety. We can feel less entrapped by writing down our sentiments since it seems like we are moving our emotions from our minds to the real world and letting them go. Hence, creative writing was considered a therapeutic activity for others in this era which helped to make students mentally stable.

One of the main effects of creative writing on students in this modern era is It enhances the linguistic knowledge of students due to encountering different synonyms and high falutin words. As a result, It will improve one's usage of grammar and dictions. In addition to this, you'll develop the ability to determine when grammar is appropriate and when it is not. Furthermore, creative writing can also help you increase your vocabulary and improve your comprehension of how the written word functions.

Critical thinking and analyzing are the key factors in writing creative literary texts. It is important that not only students are able to evaluate the choices of words, but also to make a good interpretation of their own idea to be able to understand points and statements. In this new society that we have, learners must be critical thinkers and establish good perspectives to gain good collaboration on group of people and express ideas with freedom.

It is clear that creative writing has importance in the current era and positive effects on students. It becomes a coping mechanism for everyone amidst a stressful day, improves their grammar, make a great interpretation on sorting ideas and understanding statements from other people and on their own self. As a result, This subject is indeed helpful not just for students but for everyone.



  1. The writer definitely hit the purpose of the essay, the choice of words were all precise and clear, the craft essay was indeed a creative and informative one at the same time.


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